Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Question One: What did a cleaner at Auckland Airport find in an aeroplane’s rubbish bin last Thursday?
a) Enough uranium to make a nuclear bomb
b) A briefcase full of one hundred dollar bills
c) Ten poisonous snakes
d) A newborn baby

Question Two: For winning the 2009 New Zealand Vegemite Spelling Bee, Christopher Jury of Hamilton Boys High School gets..?
a) one thousand tubs of vegemite and six hundred loaves of bread
b) two years off school and a walk-on part in Shortland Street
c) the chance to compete in a spelling bee in the U.S.A. and three thousand dollars worth of dictionaries
d) a trip around the world and the opportunity to be Prime Minister of New Zealand for one day

Question Three: Which New Zealand city is known as ‘The Edinburgh of the South’?
a) Nelson
b) Dunedin
c) Wellington
d) New Plymouth

Question Four: What is unique about one of the models that appeared at the recent Tokyofashion show?
a) She is seventy two years old
b) She designs her own outfits
c) She is seven-feet tall
d) She is a robot

Question Five: Taste buds are arranged into five groups, including..?
a) spicy, fizzy, bitter and sour
b) hot, cold, bitter and sour
c) salty, sweet, bitter and sour
d) Eastern, Western, bitter and sour

Question Six: What sparked a Tsunami warning for New Zealand last week?
a) An earthquake near Tonga
b) The fallout from the global recession
c) The collapse of an iceberg in Antarctica
d) A massive whale stranding near the Equator

Question Seven: Where does ‘Today’ come before ‘Yesterday’ and ‘Tomorrow’?
a) Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory
b) Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity
c) The Oxford English Dictionary
d) The Wonderful World of Disney

Question Eight: Complete the proverb, ‘People in glass houses..?
a) should wear clothes’
b) should buy curtains’
c) shouldn’t complain about the weather’
d) shouldn’t throw stones’

Question Nine: Who named more than twenty cities after himself?
a) Alexander the Great
b) George Washington
c) Donald Trump
d) Robert Mugabe

Question Ten: Which creature’s name comes from the Maori word for ‘The God of Ugly Things’?
a) The Tuatara
b) The Kangaroo
c) The Takahe
d) The Weta

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Home work 6

Question One: Why were sparrows introduced to New Zealand to remind English settlers of home?
b) To provide food for cats
c) To eat crop-destroying insects
d) To provide feathers for hats

Question Two: What is causing heated arguments in Wanganui?
a) A proposal to open a casino on Victoria Avenue
b) A proposal to build a monorail to Palmerston North
c) A proposal to pull out of New Zealand’s Top Town competition
d) A proposal to add the letter ‘h’ to the name of the city

Question Three: During the Academy Awards, what happens to winners who talk for more than 45 seconds?
a) Their Oscars get thrown in the rubbish
b) They receive a standing ovation
c) They are not invited back next year
d) Their words get drowned out by music

Question Four: Where did Napoleon meet his ‘Waterloo’?
b) Waterloo
c) Trafalgar
d) Gate Pa

Question Five: Why did the townspeople of Hamelin hire the Pied Piper?
a) To baby-sit the town’s children
b) To rid the town of its rats
c) To make it rain on the town’s barren crops
d) To bring music and joy to a weary people

Question Six: Why couldn’t New Zealand golfer Danny Lee keep the prize money for winning a tournament in Australia last week?
a) Danny is an amateur golfer
b) Danny is under 21 years of age
c) Danny forgot to tee off at the 18th hole
d) Danny missed the prize-giving

Question Seven: A lawyer who specialises in representing accident victims is called..?
a) a gold digger
b) a witch doctor
c) an ambulance chaser
d) an early worm

Question Eight: What was the outcome of the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ tennis match in 1973?
a) The woman won
b) The man won
c) The match ended in a draw
d) The game was called off after protestors ran on to the court

Question Nine: Which of the following creatures is actually a fish?
a) Jellyfish
b) Starfish
c) Silverfish
d) Dogfish

Question Ten: Half of half of half a pizza is..?
a) half a pizza
b) a quarter of a pizza
c) one-eighth of a pizza
d) too much pizza for anyone to eat

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Question One: Why did New Zealand invade Samoa in 1914?
a) Samoa refused to become part of the Realm of New Zealand
b) New Zealand was at war with Germany
c) Samoan chiefs insulted Prime Minister Massey
d) New Zealand accused Samoa of sinking three fishing ships

Question Two: In the movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, why do the police interrogate the hero?
a) They think he robbed the Central Bank of Mumbai
b) They think he cheated on a game show
c) They think he’s blackmailing a Bollywood star
d) They think he’s working for the Bandit Queen

Question Three: The city of Auckland was built on the site of..?
a) 50 dormant volcanoes
b) the first Maori settlement in New Zealand
c) one of the largest gold deposits in the Southern Hemisphere
d) the original pink and white terraces

Question Four: In television programmes, which technique is often used to get suspects to
confess to a crime?
a) Tickle me Elmo
b) Sticks and Stones
c) Good Cop, Bad Cop
d) Smoke and Mirrors

Question Five: What is the Government planning to do with 40 young people who continually break the law?
a) Send them to Australia
b) Send them to a military-style boot camp
c) Make them climb Mount Cook
d) Make them listen to classical music for ten hours a day

Question Six: If Adam is an optimist and Eve is a pessimist, then..?
a) Adam cries at sad movies and Eve laughs at romantic comedies
b) Adam thinks bad things happen to good people and Eve disagrees
c) Adam thinks the glass is half full and Eve thinks the glass is half empty
d) Adam is a middle child and Eve is the youngest in her family

Question Seven: What happened the second time the shepherd boy cried ‘wolf’?
a) The villagers ran to his rescue
b) The villagers ignored him
c) The wolf ate six sheep
d) The wolf warned the boy to stay awake

Question Eight: In Victorian England, a 'Tosher' was a person who..?
a) knew how to read and write
b) swept chimneys for ten hours each day
c) waded through sewage looking for coins
d) pretended to be a member of the Royal family

Question Nine: Which of the following events didn’t happen in the last fortnight?
a) A British nuclear submarine collided with a French nuclear submarine
b) A cruise ship from the Bahamas ran aground in Antarctica
c) A Russian tanker spilled 1,000 tonnes of oil off the Irish coast
d) The Rainbow Warrior was sunk by French agents in New Zealand waters

Question Ten: Why did the New Zealand Government expel Fiji’s High Commissioner late last year?
a) Fiji beat New Zealand at the Wellington Rugby Sevens
b) Fiji banned New Zealand tourists from staying at five-star hotels
c) Fiji expelled New Zealand’s High Commissioner
d) Fiji supported the dumping of nuclear waste in the South Pacific